Monday, July 21, 2008

Awaken the Compassion Within

Today, the 19th day of the 6 lunar month is a day that celebrates the enlightenment of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (He Who Hears the Sounds of the World), also known as Kuan Shi Yin Pusa in Chinese or Goddess of Mercy.

Kuan Yin Pusa made a powerful bodhisattva vow to save all sentient beings from sufferings and deliver them to salvation. He is the personification of compassion and mercy, as it is out of his compassion for all beings who are suffering in all the worlds, that he made the above bodhisattva vows.

Kuan Yin Pusa will come and save any sentient beings who sincerely call his name when they are in difficulties or in dire straits. He rescues all beings by hearing their voices of suffering and cries for help.

All religions of the world preaches the elimination of sufferings and pains. Therefore, if you meet someone or any sentient beings who it suffering, you should try help minimise their sufferings or eliminate the pain. That is what compassionate living is all about.

You cannot be Awaken without awakening your compassion within.

Why? This is because to be truly Awaken, you would have to live in the Present. And if you encounter someone who is suffering in the Present, can you truly turn your back and not help the person?

Deciding not to help alleviate someone's suffering shows that you are not Present and in touch with the essence of the Being that is in all of us. Your selfishness would cut you off from being close to the Being. Therefore, lend a hand and render help to the best of your ability.

Doing so would make the world a more beautiful place to live in - for every sentient being. As without suffering, this world can also be a paradise.

May all sentient beings in the ten directions be well, happy and peaceful...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Speak Only The Truth With Thoughtful Words

If you know anything that is hurtful and untrue,

Do not say it.

If you know anything that is helpful but untrue,

Do not say it.

If you know anything that is hurtful but true,

Do not say it.

If you know anything that is both helpful and true,

Find the right time.

"The Shakyamuni Buddha"

Thursday, July 3, 2008

No Good, No Bad and No Me, No You

I have been asked "How do you keep yourself in the Present? My mind has many thoughts and it seems to wander off even though I try very hard to be mindful and stay in the Present."

Yes, it is not easy when you are not trained in the beginning. Just don't obsess over it and worry about it.

Just try to keep your mind in the Present. Whatever arises in the mind, just watch it and let go of it. Don't even wish to be rid of these thoughts. As you practise this, the mind will go back to its peaceful, natural state.

Let there be no discrimination - no good, no bad. No me and no you - no self at all. Just let it be.

There is no need to cling to anything. Wherever you are, know yourself by being natural and watching. If doubts arise, watch them come and go - do not grasp it. It is very simple - hold on to nothing.

Stick to the Present. Do not worry about the past and the future. Do not be concern about where you were and where you are going.

Everything is changing. Whatever you pass, don't cling to it. Eventually, the mind will reach its natural balance and you realize that there is peace in the Present.