Thursday, December 30, 2010

Life is Sacred

The world is facing many challenges as the 2010 draws to an end.

There are climate change, inequality, poverty and starvation, religious and ideological persecutions, mass migrations and war.

How did we end up in this reality?

Perhaps, it is because each of us, individually, is so caught up in our selfish and relentless pursuit of happiness.

This is manifested by our need to accumulate material things, in the greed that we see in Wall Streets and in our desperation to keep up with the Jones next door.

Faced with the clear consequences of our choices, many of us justify our decisions and increase our denial by saying that there is little that we can do to change the world.

That is not true!

Each of us have to step up to save the world. We have to start seeing that everything in life is sacred, each with its own holiness.

It starts with each of us making crucial changes in our attitudes and behaviors, through being open to our spiritual selves, supporting and encouraging each other.

We have to begin seeing all of life as sacred, starting with ourselves and our fellow human beings. It also extends to other species and the very planet earth itself.

Respecting and protecting the gift of life unconditionally is an inclusive path. It does not reject people who are different from us, who have different values from us or with ways of living different from us.

There are no excuses of violence and social injustice like racism or misogyny.

It is a path of love where we appreciate our own gift of life.

So start today. Begin with yourself by resolving to appreciate all that life is manifesting in front of us.

Make little steps to practise compassion and to love all sentient beings.

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