Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Here is a very good documentary called "FRESH" that tells you how food is produced. The documentary is about 1 hour and is broken up into 8 part series in YouTube.

It seems that we have moved very far away from how Mother Nature intended the natural food that we eat is cultivated.

Because of the big, greedy corporations, our food has become laden with pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and genetically modified. Many of these food are deficient in nutrients, vitamins and essential minerals that our cells need to survive. All these are very unhealthy for our bodies.

That is why the number of people coming down with various diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart diseases are increasing dramatically. Many children nowadays have diseases that never really exist in our grand-parents' times - diseases like autism, ADHD, leukemia, eczema and food allergies.

However, there are small, enlightened farmers who are trying to farm decent, natural food as Mother Nature intended. They are rearing cows, chickens and other animals in a humane way. Everything that they do on their farm is respectful to Mother Nature and her laws.

So, if you can afford it, support these farmers, buy organic food and live a healthier life...

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