Thursday, June 9, 2011

Orbs : Gods or Ghosts?

Many people, Buddhist or otherwise, have snapped pictures, be it in broad daylight or night, of mysterious orbs. (I accidentally took some myself.) With much experimentation and checking of the cameras, they are mostly thought not to be due to camera tricks or errors.

Some Buddhists have even snapped, with the same camera, the “before” and “after” pictures of the same night sky - above where they did mass sharing of spiritual merits after chanting. The “before” pictures are empty of orbs while the “after” ones with plentiful.

They also appear in religious places of worship (not just Buddhist ones).

Most Buddhists I'd come across so far believe the orbs are devas (gods, or the Buddhist equivalent of angels) who had come forth to gather in a holy place, or to rejoice in the merits, especially since there is the tradition of inviting the devas to come share the merits. Some even say the orbs looked up close resemble Dharma wheels! Not sure if that is a mere coincidence. (An inkblot test effect perhaps?) Even without actual invitation, merits are usually also shared with all beings in general.

Interestingly, most non-Buddhist westerners believe the orbs are ghosts. Now, there is a big world of difference between gods and ghosts (or rather, wandering spirits). The first are much “well-to-do” while the latter are usually unfortunate and deprived. What is generally agreed though, is that the orbs are manifestations of intelligent beings unseen by the naked eye. Ghosts or gods, they are welcomed to partake of the merits we universally share in goodwill.

If you read the suttas, you will find records of devas approaching in the cover of night to consult the Buddha for teachings. They are described with brilliant lights... “I have heard that at one time the Blessed One was staying in Savatthi at Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's monastery. Then a certain deva, in the far extreme of the night, her extreme radiance lighting up the entirety of Jeta's Grove, approached the Blessed One.” (Opening of Maha-Mangala Sutta: Discourse on Blessings)

The orbs could also be gods with lesser radiance perhaps?

Many friends had personally twice witnessed probably similar magnificent lights flashing in the night sky - after a long meditation retreat conducted by the late great Venerable Amatha Gavasi. They appeared during the sharing of merits with the recitation of the Maha-Samaya Sutta (Discourse on the Great Meeting of Devas). (Discourse on the Great Meeting of Devas). The Sutta is a detailed formal invitation of devas to partake in the merits offered.

Now, these lights, which I saw on their video, are not lightning flashes - they light up the sky in different areas with various shapes and colours silently. Anything like thunder is absent. The ongoing flashes sustain for up to fifteen minutes or more. Some said they could see the shapes of traditional crowns that devas are commonly depicted with.

One night, the Venerable was also accidentally seen speaking to an “aura” of light in private! On another occasion, he was seen going into the unlit precept house of a temple, when it became suffused with a bluish glow. Maybe he was having another private in-house audience?

There was a popular theory that UFOs might be “chariots of the gods”. But if the devas themselves already glow, maybe the lights are the gods per se!

Some time after writing the above, I saw a documentary on TV showing how orb digital pictures can be made by stirring up and snapping reflected dust particles. Looks quite convincing. It doesn't explain the above light phenomenon though. As such, if the documentary offers good proof to go by, I'll stick more to the lights (not orbs) as described above as the more probable manifestations of deva and/or ghost activity.

Hmmm... but the seeing of reality is only as possible as our delusion allows. Anyway, what's more important than seeing gods or ghosts is seeing one's true nature.

- Extracted from Moon Pointer

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