Monday, July 13, 2009

Happiness Is How Much You Give

Why is there so much unhappiness in the world today?

Everywhere you look, you see a lot of people burdened by the trials of earning a living, of making enough to fulfill their desires and numerous wants.

It seems that whatever you have now is never enough.

There is always the need to have more.

The need to accumulate more material things, the need to compare with your neighbours on who is richer, the need to show the world that you are successful with your condos or your BMW.

Even you have all these material things, are you truly happy?

There are many rich people, who front the outside look happy, but in their private moments are in deep despair. Why? Because what they have is never enough.

In the deep of the night, they cannot sleep due to the cravings that they have. Cravings for more material things, riches and other needs.

So, to numb these pain, many turns to drugs, sedatives or destructive life-styles to fill these voids.

When you see these people, you feel compassion and pity arising for them.

They do not realize a very basic principle : -

"Happiness is not how much you have - it is how much you give."

When you give, you feel a lightness of the heart and your spirit soars.

It is not just material things that you can give.

You can give your time, your presence and your energy.

If you do not have a lot of money, a kind word given to a man in deep depression may be more valuable than all the riches in the world.

Time devoted to a lonely child will be remembered in years to come.

By being present for the friends in their time of need will forever showed them how much you value them and they will always treasure your being there.

So, give, give and give.

Give with no expectations of thanks. Give with no hope that the gift will be returned. Give with no expectations of reciprocity.

When you give so generously, the Universe will register your goodness from the heart.

And the Universe will bless you with all that you need - the simple abundance that will bring lots of happiness in your life.

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