Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Importance of Choices

We human kind is unique in the world in one major aspect - we can consciously think.

And one of the gift of being able to think is the freedom to make choices. We can decide what we want to do or the action that we want to take.

That is a basic freedom that many of us do not really appreciate.

But think about it (ah - that freedom again) - without the ability to make choices, we would be no different from the animals that surround us.

We would be no different than the dogs or cats that we have as pets. We would only be driven by our primitive urges. We would only respond to basic instincts that we feel.

With the ability to think and make choices, we are blessed with the ability to plan and decide how we want to live our lives.

We can decide how we want to live, where we want to build a home, what type of career or jobs that we want to pursue. We can decide who we want to be our friends, what kinds of activities that we want to be involved in that brings us pleasure and satisfaction and what we want to do today.

The many choices that we make every day dictate how our lives turn out and the lives that we lead. Where you are today is the result of all the actions and choices that you have made in the past.

Can you imagine that? Do you get it?

What it means is that regardless of where you are now, you can make a choice to change!! If you don't like your life today, you can decide to change it and have a new life.

Isn't that wonderful?

And yet, many people live in a mindless way.

They do not think that they have the freedom to make choices. They have surrendered their power to decide and to choose.

Isn't that sad? God has given you the ability to make choices.

So, choose what you want to be and take the necessary actions required to reach your goals.

Be bold and take the action to choose...

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