Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Take Action on Your Dreams

The ancient Greek and Roman sculptors worked with big blocks of marble.

Before they even start to cut and carve the block of marble, they visualize in their mind what the finished sculpture will be.

They have to hold the image in their mind, carefully chipping away and manifesting the image that they see inside the block of marble.

Michealangelo is said to have remarked that the beautiful David already exists inside the marble. His job was just to chip away the marble to reveal it in all its glory.

So it is with our dreams. It is not enough to just dream. We need to take courageous action and focus all our energy to bring the dream to reality.

With no action, your dreams will not come true. It will not manifest itself.

It will just exists in the void, the what-ifs, the dream-world.

It is only when you work on it that you can bring your dream to fruition.

So, dream big and more important, take action with laser-like focus to make it real....

If you have built castles in the air,
Your work need not be lost;
There is where they should be.
Now, put foundations under them.
- Henry David Thoreau, author

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