Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's All Your Fault

The Universe is perfect in and of Itself. It follows the universal principles that govern everything, from gravity to the cycle of day and night.

The world around us reflects this order - even in chaos, there is a beauty in its unpredictability. Sure, we may want to control and tame Mother Nature but doing so always comes with a price.

People also wish that they are perfection too. Yes, in many ways, we are perfection because we are made in God's image.

If we are are all perfect, why are there so many flawed people around us?

Why are there so much sufferings and unhappiness the world around us?

Part of the reason is that we live a life of illusions.

We delude ourselves that we are perfect. And in doing so, we think that we do not have to improve in any areas of our lives.

When things go wrong, it is not our fault. It is always the other people's fault.

When you are late for work, you blame the trains for running late when it is actually because you overslept.

When you are caught in a thunderstorm, it is such an inconvenient that you are wet - it is not because you did not plan your trip to take into account the adverse weather.

When your friends tell you that your skin look bad, they are just jealous bitches out to hurt you.

When your boss said that your work performance is not up to par, well, what does that jerk know about quality work in the first place?

So, it is always easier to blame others for your imperfection - after all, in our mind, we are perfect in every way.

It is so much easier to blame others to protect our fragile ego and self-image.

Such delusions causes all the problems in the world. All the unhappiness, all the sufferings and all the conflicts...

So, take a stand and be accountable for yourself and all the consequences of your actions.

Do not blame others.

Instead, look into yourself and take responsibility to do better and change for the better.

The path towards perfection is filled with pot-holes. So, as you traverse down this path, look out for the pot-holes and if you step into one, it is your fault for not paying attention to the pot-holes of life.

No point blaming others - just be courageous and own up for the mistakes in your life and strive to improve for the better.

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